Compensate your superyacht carbon footprint by preserving the seagrass

Superyacht Carbon Footprint & fair carbon credit offset solutions

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'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
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'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Julien M.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Stephane P.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Aurélie L.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Julien M.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Stephane P.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Aurélie L.
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Strictly confidential
Best model accuracy for yacht footprint computation
Preservation of the oceans and the planet
Supported by Lionel Péan and numerous Yacht club around the world.
'' Enfin une solution verte qui permet de préserver nos fonds marins. ''
Lionel Péan,
Lionel Pean
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Stephane P.
'' C'est tellement plus simple de gérer les dépenses de ma voiture. ''
Aurélie L.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Julien M.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Stephane P.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Aurélie L.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Julien M.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Stephane P.
'' Top. J’économise plus de 100 euros chaque mois grace a Cara7. ''
Aurélie L.
Track and compute your annual yacht carbon footprint
Compensate your footprint with sustainable Seafloatech moorings
Preserve posidonis seagrass and be compliant with new Mediterranean Sea regulations

Damages made by Superyachts on environment, notably carbon footprint and posidonis seagrass are growing concerns

Voices are growing louder to denounce the impact caused on the environment of superyachts: carbon footprint, seabed with damage to Posidonia, ...

Illustration of the posidonis degradation

Damages made by Super Yachts with their anchor on Posidonis (St Tropez)

the posidonis damage made by superyachts in St Tropez bay

Damages made by Super Yachts with their anchor on Posidonis (Golf Juan)

Damage on posidonis made by superyachts

Posidonis seagrass meadows are key in the process of capturing carbon dioxide emissions

Posidonis seagrass meadows represent significant carbon sinks.

They absorb carbon dioxide, store carbon at an average rate of 83 g C / m² per year.

They therefore play a vital role in minimizing the presence of this element in the atmosphere and therefore slow down global warming.

The posidonis absorb 10 times more carbon than the rain forest and 3 time more than coral reefs

Considering the average thickness of the mat (from 1 to 4 m), the carbon stored in the Mediterranean, by the Posidonia meadows, would represent 11 to 42% of the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the Mediterranean countries, since the start of the industrial revolution.

'' The problem is that “seagrass takes around 60 years to grow and reach maturity and is, therefore, sensitive to disruption. ''
Thierry Voisin,
President of ECPY
thierry voisin
A superyacht having posidonis on its anchor

Super Yachts (L > 24 m) can no longer moore in many new Protected Areas

French anchorage laws have changed in 2020 for yachts over 24m in order to protect endangered marine plant species, most notably Posidonia.

Article about french law forbidding superyacht to moore
posidonis seegrass

Yacht owners have to engage themselves into more sustainable cruises

Cruising is a pleasure and has to be a pleasure on the long run. This pleasure goes with a true engagement for the planet preservation.

Each yacht owner is now responsible for the sustainability of its cruise, notably carbon neutral impact on both side of the cruise (while cruising and at anchor) and for the ocean preservation. He has to change his set of mind from


Philosophy of BluenGreen carbon footprint compensation process

BluenGreen offers a directly applicable and fair approach, getting as close as possible to a yacht's true carbon footprint and drawing on proven methods of naval engineers and architects and exact yacht kinematics using AIS yacht data to compute true carbon footprint.

Carbon credits computed acording to your yacht footprint are invested in Seafloatech mooring network compliant with new mooring regulations (France, Spain,...) in various hot spots in Mediterranean Sea bringing you freedom to mooring in some of the best Mediterranean spots.

bluengreen compensation process

BluenGreen offers a solution based on the volunteerism of yacht owners and want to avoid any punitive and confiscatory solutions.

On the contrary, we offer a decarbonization solution that gives real benefits in return to these owners. As it will become increasingly difficult to find a mooring nearby the right spots on the Riviera and in Mediterranean Sea, BluenGreen has decided to accelerate the deployment of a network of sustainable moorings that preserve posidonis seagrass bed thanks to Seafloatech technologies.

Our objectives is to deploy as quiclly as possible a sustainable mooring network in Mediteranean Sea thanks to the investment of offset carbon credits bought by yacht owners, members of BluenGreen Foundation and computed with our proprietary carbon superyacht footprint model into Seafloatech mooring infrastructures.

BluenGreen offers : posidonis Preservation & New Moorings

Carbon footprint compensation through seagrass preservation keeping CO2

BluenGreen solution is a real quick payback solution for the yacht owners, combining:

a true sustainability solution for pleasant cruises in Mediterranean Sea

a new mean for mooring at the right spots in Med (Saint Tropez, Cannes, Monaco, Sardaigna,...) while preserving posidonis seagrass

a straight payback as it gives few weeks of free moorings per year for a yacht engaged in the BluenGreen compensation plan

Strictly confidential
Best model accuracy for yacht footprint computation
Preservation of the oceans and the planet

Ten commitments that, when implemented and adhered to in daily practice, will make a real difference in reducing the environmental footprint of the superyacht industry and restoring our precious oceans.

BluenGreen Engagement

BLUEnGREEN signed the Code of Conduct of the Water Revolution Foundation

water revolution fondation logo
Seaflotech anchoring system

Seafloatech develops controlled, responsible, sustainable coastal equipments and solutions for yacht and superyacht moorings

''We have designed, tested, and perfected bottom/float interface systems (Seafloatech Pod®) with very low ecological footprint and reversible, such as surface modules offering their users exceptional safety and comfort.'' Lionel Péan - CEO of Seafloatech

The Founders
eric pilat

Eric Pilat - CEO

Eric is investment banker and entrepreneur with blended experience in M&A, yachting and shipbuilding, high-tech and digital. He is advising yacht manufacturers, PE funds, lenders.
At Lazard Frères, he advised, among others, the sales of Couach Yachts, Lenders’ coordinating committee of Ferretti Group (€1.2 bn) and Bavaria Yachtbau (€960M) in their debt restructuring. Prior to joining Lazard, he incepted an advisory firm, IBI Consulting, specializing in the boating industry together with IPC – Time Warner.
Eric made offshore single-handed races including the famous La Solitaire du Figaro and Generali Solo Méditerranée.
Eric is a graduate from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA-Paris), as Naval Architect and holds an MBA from HEC, Paris and Wharton

A photo of Guillaume Vignolle, CTO

Guillaume Vignolle - CTO

Guillaume manages the technical center of BluenGreen. His previous experiences, as a data scientist in several startups, and as co-founder and CPO of the startup Flips, have forged him a profile as solid on the back-end as front-end side, and complete his profile as an engineer graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA-Paris)

lionel péan

Lionel Péan - CEO of Seaflotech

Lionel Péan is a great French offshore racer and skipper with outstanding victories on his belt: in 1985, victory in the Whitbread Round the World Race, with « L’esprit d’equipe » and in 1983, victory in the Solitaire du Figaro with Hitachi. Lionel devotes his time to the world of Super Yachts, Regattas and project management.
Lionel incepted Seafloatech, the Specialist of Offshore Floating Structures for Leisure and Industry, Harbour/Marina.

Pierre-Gwenaël Pervès - Engineer Naval Architect

At BluenGreen, Pierre-Gwenaël leads the superyacht carbon footprint simulations.
He is naval architect in submarine pre-project at Naval Group.
Pierre-Gwenaël is a graduate from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA-Paris), as Naval Architect

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Overview carbon footprint

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